Artificial Intelligence Research and Resources for Communications Professionals
While social and digital media required a new mindset, artificial intelligence (AI) needs so much more.
And as communications professionals, we must educate ourselves on what AI is and does, and on the opportunities, risks and challenges it poses for the industry. In addition, we need to be aware of the AI hype, to ensure our organizations are communicating ethically and truthfully and aren’t amplifying misinformation.
Humans needed, more than ever - new report from CIPR
CPRS Member Jean Valin APR, FCPRS, has co-authored a new report from the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) on the use of AI in PR. His 2018 research paper titled AI: Humans still needed was used in this new report.
The new research from CIPR has found that up to 40% of tasks performed by public relations professionals are now assisted by AI tools. The report reveals that, while the adoption of AI tools has accelerated, they are still not widely used even though they make task execution more efficient and effective.
“Five years ago we warned the profession needs to widely adapt to the ever-increasing world of AI through the adoption of tools and the ethical and governance implications of their use,” said Valin. “This report suggests that this has not happened quickly enough. The landscape has changed but the message stays the same; adapt and thrive or refuse to evolve and watch the doomsday predictions of job losses become real.”
Download the new report Humans Needed More Than Ever (2023).
The report is available in English only.
#AIinPR Panel
The global #AIinPR Panel, part of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) based in the UK, is a volunteer committee comprising senior communications professionals and leading PR academics and researchers, who are conducting research on the many ways AI could affect the public relations industry.
CPRS, which has been represented on the panel since its inception in 2018, has partnered with the #AIinPR Panel to offer members access to the group’s resources, as well as Canadian-specific research, which will be developed by panel members.
Currently, CPRS members can access #AIinPR reports, and AI primers, which can be used within functions and teams as part of upskilling into data analytics and AI, an AI tools database, and other exclusive research and papers, which have been endorsed by the AI industry, including The Alan Turing Institute.
Most recently, the two associations released the first ever AI in PR Ethics Guide, which seeks to improve ethical decision-making of algorithms and other automated tools to avoid harmful impacts on individuals by poorly designed systems. Learn more about this new Guide here.
The AIinPR panel is led by Andrew Bruce Smith, Chartered Public Relations Practitioner, CIPR Fellow and CIPR Council member.
Canadian members include: Jean Valin, APR, Fellow CPRS, Hon FCIPR and Martin Waxman, MCM, APR.
Follow the work of the panel and get involved by visiting
For more information or to volunteer, please contact