Yocom Public Relations Profiles
Prior to 2005, there were no recorded profiles of Canadian public relations practitioners. Some are listed in the Canadian Who’s Who. Others can be found on the Order of Canada web site. Some may have been the subject of a magazine or periodical article but, generally, there is no systematic collection of the lives and accomplishments of Canadian public relations practitioners who have made significant and extended contributions to the practice.
This collection of profiles, that includes several phases, provides a consistent method of recording the history of public relations in Canada through the personalities who have developed and influenced the practice. The collection is named in memory of John H. "Jack" Yocom who died in February, 2003.
In the case of those practitioners who have died, colleagues have been interviewed to discuss the individual’s impact on the profession. Other practitioners who have been profiled have been interviewed using a standard set of pre-determined questions prepared by the College of Fellows, Canadian Public Relations Society.
Canada’s PR leaders in the Yocom Collection now compiled into e-book and PDF formats.
Thanks to Mary Barker, APR, FCPRS, LM (Yocom Committee Chair), Blair Peberdy, APR, FCPRS, LM, Mark Hunter LaVigne, APR, FCPRS and the National Office for working on this very important initiative to bring the 19 profile into one convenient publication for PR students and faculty and members of the society and global PR community.
Download the entire collection in either
ePub or
.pdf format.