I have a confession.
My first and only CPRS conference so farwas Banff (a few years ago). Conflicting schedules and then a baby kind ofsidetracked me a bit. Since then I’ve been anxious to attend another CPRSconference. Why? I really enjoyed the workshops.
I remember walking into the breakoutsessions, sitting down beside people I didn’t know and then engaging with them.Nervous, yes! But you’ve got to break the ice somehow. Sometimes the discussionhappened before the workshop, during the workshop (one had us break into smallgroups based upon whether we were the youngest, middle, oldest sibling or anonly), or after the workshop. The point is, I walked away feeling engaged,excited and empowered.
I love meeting new people and hearing theirthoughts on what’s going on in our industry. I love learning about andimplementing the lessons presented at the workshops. I love coming up with newideas to implement in my work that are germinated and grow through the topics,presentations and discussions at the workshops. I can’t wait for this year’sworkshops.
Personally, I’m excited for the socialmedia and internal communications sessions. The workshops are not only a greatlearning experience but a great way to meet others who might be specificallyinterested in or working in your related field.
Just looking at the program, there areworkshops on social media, internal communications, stakeholder/communityengagement, strategic communications, crisis communications and more! There issomething for industry professionals, government communicators and agencypractitioners.
Have you ever been to a conference whereyou find you have holes in your schedule because there are no workshops youwant to attend. Do you ever feel like the value is missing?
This year’s CPRS conference is all aboutVALUE! I am so excited, this year there are so many great workshops on a widevariety of topics. It’s going to be difficult to determine which workshop to goto.
I can’t wait to sit beside you and talkabout the ideas at a workshop!
Erinor Jacob-Levine
Connexions 2018 Local Advisory Committee Member